Wednesday, June 16, 2010

San Lucas, VBS, ETC, ETC, ETC

Today we had an amazing day of hard work and great fun at our first day of Vacation Bible School. You should see the size of some of the rocks that we have been moving to clear the areas to build the three houses that will hopefully be built soon after we leave. Even though I was not at that work site today, I heard that one of the rocks that they moved was likely to weight literally a ton, and that was the missionaries estimation, not one of the kids. Everyone is working hard, and working well together. In the afternoon, we lead two Vacation Bible Schools, that went better than we ever would have expected. We had over 120 kids at the two sites, and it was so much fun for me to watch our young people and team to work with the kids. They were jumping all over us, and just having a great time.

On a more serious note, please pray that the rain stops. For our group, the rain has seemed to work out great. It always seems to start raining right after we finish our work for the day. However, for the poor people of San Lucas, the rain continues to seems like a curse. As we were eating dinner tonight, it starting pouring, and by pouring I mean completely unlike something you would ever ever see in the States. When we got back to our hotel, we learned that the downpour had caused another mudslide at the edge of town, that had destroyed three homes. Watching the news, we learned that there were no deaths, but it has to be terrifying to relive the experiences of a couple of weeks ago.

I do want you all to know that we are completely safe where we are. To get to where the mud slides have or could destroy homes, you have to walk around these little trails, and wind your way to the hillside. Our hotel is nowhere near the hillsides, and I feel completely safe where we are at. The missionaries have told me that they will check the roads before we go anywhere tomorrow to make sure that there is no possiblity of washout.

All of that said, Please pray that the rain stops, so that the ground can dry. Pray that the people who live near that area of the mudslides can get into the disaster shelters, and pray that we can continue to be a blessing to these people whose lives are in choas.

Thanks for all your support and love

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